
  • Promote

    Share our platform with your friends and family, promote it on social media and enjoy the benefits of your affiliate program. You don't need an active deposit to receive affiliate commission.

  • Get Affiliates & Earn Money

    Once someone joins through your referral link, he automatically becomes your referral. You will receive 5% referral commission for every deposit that your direct referrals make from their Bitcoin wallet. We also offer a second level referral commission - 2%.

About Affiliates

We believe that there is no better form of advertising than word of mouth. Therefore, we decided to implement affiliate program so you can make money while sharing our platform with your friends.
Anyone can become part of our affiliate program even without investing. One just have to join our platform. Then, you can access your referral link and our banners through your account dashboard.

3 Level Referral commissions

5% on first level

1% on second level

1% on third level